Αρχική Μαθήματα

Foreign Languages

Foreign Languages

Our educational centre places special emphasis on foreign languages and certification both for children and adults.


In our centre we teach English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian. Our aim is knowledge and certification. Our main characteristic is reduced time for certification. We have small groups and we prepare students (depending on their level and needs) for all ASEP approved certificates.




Our educational program is dependent on properly preparing candidates for exams. The candidates choose and deal in subjects that appeal to them in their own place and time.
Our centre is the only certification centre of TIE (Test of Interactive English) (English language certification) in Ioannina. As a result both lessons and exams are completed here. The rest foreign languages are certified in places designated by the respective institutions.

As far as children are concerned, we have developed an innovative syllabus, which depends on play and actual learning- certification of the foreign language.

As a result it has two distinct units

  1. Developing communication skills in the foreign language
  2. Formal teaching certification

Our aim is for children to be able from a young age to use the foreign language of their choice; to be able to use the foreign language in their daily life and become certified without experiencing failure and view the foreign language with pleasure.

Development of communication skills in the foreign language


In recent years there has been emphasis on language development and development of communication skills through play-time. Play-time, motor, board and digital can become a determining factor for the development of the foreign language in students of every age. Play-time is recognized as an efficient tool for learning and communication as through a playful, interactive and pleasant environment the teacher can attract the students’ attention, activate their interest and ensure their pleasant participation in the learning process.

Such a program is based on playful activities, of creative and communicative nature under the scientific supervision of Mr Isaak Papadopoulos candidate PhD of Applied Linguistics and has been organized and applied by the teaching centre Meleti Eleni Thanou.

The aim of the particular program in our centre is to develop the students’ foreign language through innovative and original activities in a pleasant, creative and playful learning environment. It is worth mentioning that this particular program takes into account second language acquisition and teaching of a foreign language while the activities applied to the students of our centre have been approved by academics in Greece and abroad.

Upon completion of the particular program our students will be able to communicate in any foreign language they choose both orally and in writing while comprehending spoken and written speech in their daily life.

This particular program is a powerful initiation for our students with the aim of assimilating into the world of foreign language education as well as international communication by structuring their rudimentary skills in our organized centre and complete know-how of our teaching staff under the supervision and guidance of the director of the centre Ms Eleni Thanou.

Formal teaching program- Foreign language certification


In response to the ever increasing demands of the times both on a cognitive and social level, society needs active members who will be in a position to cooperate and develop a critical mind for every stimulus. Greek education, however, is characterized by lack of autonomous students, minimum participation while the enormous and rapid influx of students from various linguistic and cultural backgrounds poses multiple challenges that need to be addressed.

Within such a multicultural and multilingual environment, learning and using a foreign language has become a necessity. English as an international language is an important asset and the same applies to certification by accredited institutions. The demanding work environment necessitates the knowledge of more than one foreign language and for that reason in our centre you can find a multitude of foreign languages.

To that effect, in our educational centre Meleti Eleni Thanou we have developed a remarkable teaching program which aims to truly initiate students in the foreign language through a relatively short in time program to empower their social and communicative skills in the foreign language via a series of organized lessons which combine interdisciplinary activities, sound files, videos and educational practices, students will be able to comprehend as well as use spoken and written speech fluently.

This particular program under the scientific guidance of Mr Isaak Papapdopoulos candidate PhD of Applied Linguistics has been designed with the aim of preparing students for formal exams so that they can obtain ASEP recognized certificates and use them both for state and private institutions as well as undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Greece and abroad.

Are you still thinking about it?

Level : Senior High School

Department : Teaching Centre


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