Αρχική Μαθήματα

Information Technology

Information Technology

With emphasis on new technologies and Information Technology our educational centre offers innovative seminars and guarantees acquisition and application of contemporary knowledge and skills.

In our IT workshop we organize seminars for students and adults leading to recognized certification of i- skills. The company after cooperating with important institutions in Europe and other countries in the field if education, training and certification has developed an accredited education program for certification  programs and supports certification of knowledge and skills obtained with relevant models that we either develop or represent in the field of continuous, professional training of employees and unemployed people within the framework of life- long training and education.

In our IT workshop we hold seminars for children which lead to accredited certification such as

  • Certification of office skills to obtain basic skills in the field of applied IT
  • Certification of advanced skills and knowledge on a wide spectrum of applications for the effective use of technology and IT
  • Intensive seminars for the acquisition of IT skills concerning internet security, protection of copyright and proper internet conduct.
  • Programming and robotics seminars in order to learn new ways of thinking by combining learning with play time.

Level : Junior High School

Department : Teaching Centre


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